

Catch & Release


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The Rhithron is divided in three parts: Epirhithron, Eurhithron ed Hyporhithron. In the lower part (below the salmonid zone) it is populated with trout, grayling, barbel and chub. Additionally the pike can also be present.
Das Rhithral ist in drei Teile gegliedert: Epirhithral, Eurhithral und Hyporhithral. Im unteren Teil (unterhalb der Salmoniden Zone) ist es von Forellen, Äschen, Barben und Döbel besiedelt. Der Hecht kann auch vorkommen.
Il Rhithron è suddiviso in 3 parti: Epirhithron, Eurhithron ed Hyporhithron. Nella parte inferiore (sotto la zone salmonidi) è popolato da trote, temoli, barbi, cavedani e puó comparire il luccio.