Bonefish diy

If fly-fishing for bonefish compares to sight nymphing for trout raised to the power of ten, what when this is accomplished on one's own while fishing in unknown waters and with no one to point you in the right direction?

The 50´ rule

Arctic char on the Alps are no rarity, assuming one is willing to find them. We are not talking about farmed fish, but wild fish. They live above 1000 meters above sea level.


issue n.15
Last days of paradise
Timelessness of the classic
The impossible cast

Trout and MTB

The are a fantastic places for mountain biking on the Alps. There are lost small streams and brooks where wild trout thrive.


issue n.14

Mixed Hatches, The Drift, Environmental Ethic,

Nano nymphs

Nano nymphs definition, need for nano-nymphs, tying materials and how to use them.

River pike

Pike that live in rivers are wary, ferocious and strong. Is there any best strategy to catch them on the fly?


issue n.13

Rise - Silver for beginners
Between sky and sea - The time that will come

Anti-reverse reels

Anti-reverse reels represent less than 1% of the fly reel market. Is preserving your knuckles a deciding factor? How do they perform with fresh water predators? We had the chance to test one from a well-know manifacturer.

Monster barbel on a fly

The European barbel can reach a meter in length and a weight of 8 kg. It is a very strong fish. Once hooked, it sticks to the bottom and won't give up until your arm's sore. In large sizes, they will open your hook if the wire is not the best quality

Curly fly for the pike

The fact that we can build our own special flies makes every catch an uncomparable sense of achievement. Pike fishing often means for big and bulky flies (not a rule though)and it is not easy to get a good balance netween bulk, casting and effectiveness


issue n.12

The last cast - Mid summer day's dream
Time crystal - Worms!

Back to Blau

This chalk stream is in our hearts. We have been missing for several years and eventually we found the opportunity to pay a visit and check how things are doing here in the German flatland of Baden-Württenberg

Makos of the neighborhood

Chub can reach 10 and more pounds and in remarkable size they are real game fish

A shrimp for the sea trout

When fly fishing for costal sea trout shrimp patterns are a prime choice


issue n.11
Once upon a time in Schotland - Letter from the quarantine
Season opening - The large stonefly nymph

A pike's tale

With the arrive of the cold winter life seems suspended in that corner of the pond, but beneath the surface ...

Digital fishing art

Digital paint art has leaped beyond black ink sketch desing software...

Hawthorn fly

The Hawthorn fly is no aquatic insect like mayflies and sedges, yet it is on the diet list of many fishes...


issue n.10
Tiamat - The Bi-visible
Pike Signals - P.T.N

Six feet rod

I have been long skeptical in regards of short canes and ultra light tackles but fishing small creeks under tangled vegetation is a powerful boost to acknowledge that this tackle is perfect for this challenging type of streams------------------------------------------.

Vintage Fly Fishing

Technically referring to something from the past of high quality, the vintage antique fishing tackle awake emotions from the glorious era.

Fly fishing recipe

You might know this situation: you’re in the middle of stunning wilderness, the fishing conditions are seemingly perfect…. BUT….you’ve been fishing for hours without the slightest success...


issue n.9
Tropic of Capricorn - In Pursue of the perfect wing
Climax Zero - One of the "One-flies"

Planet Kylmor

Warm greetings from a far planet, that tells us about an innatural catastrophy. Danger: do not try to imitate the actions shown in this article, you may put your life in jeopardy, this is fishing-fiction ...

The Wasserlauf fundation

Interview to the "Wasserlauf" fundation, that aims to encourage the return of migratory fish species and the further development of the bodies of water in the german region of North Rhine-Westphalia

Gaula - making of

Filmmaker Daniel Göz presents together with Anton Hamacher the new film "Gaula - River of Silver & Gold", the fascination of flyfishing for Atlantic Salmon


issue n.8
Contact - Plastic trout and where to find them
Smuts - The best sedge


The Serratella ignita is one of the classic mayflies for the sommer months, whose imitation ...


Aki Huhtanen, a professional guide specialized in extreme grayling fishing and wilderness tours in the finnish mountain and tundra


Interview with Ivan Tarin, european guide based in Spain. He tell about his latest trip in the south american Patagonia


issue n.7
Downsize - Buzzer defined
Buzzer imitations - The Angler's curse

A summer hatch

In spite of the hot afternoon, we started fishing the creek by leveraging on a sparse emergence of late Mayflies (Ephemera danica) that were sporadically popping up to then drift and flutter on the surface ...

Mediterranean sea-bass

Hunting for sea-bass with the fly may sound like a difficult undertaking for anyone who would like to approach fly-fishing in salt waters, especially during the summer time ...

Chub on a dry

Big chub on a dry-fly, during summer an opportunity to pay a visit to the river around the corner..


issue n.6
Fishing with the Shaman - Breath
Imitation, representation or suggestion? - PWD & spinner

Danica Hatch - Movie

During the Ephemera danica hatches, between end of May and mid June, even the largest trout come to feed at the surface

Ephemera Mayfly time

A huge rainbow trout with hooked jaw caught on a dry ..

Targeting Barbel

Targeting at big barbel, it is not just a relativism for philsophers of extreme fly fishing ...


issue n.5
Catch & Release? - The widl next door
Big trout on dry fly - Large dark olive dun

The green sedge

The sedge (Thricoptera) family of Ryhacophilidae is a world-wide spread insects group of high profile to fly anglers ...

Muddler heads

Muddler minnow and its variations, a fly that this year accounted for plenty of fishes, embracing from the upper Rhithron alpine streams down to Potamon slow flowing waters

The Grannom

One of the first sedge in spring, its mass hacthing makes it a fly of great importance to fly anglers ...


issue n.4
Eggs for the carp - Witch hunt
First trout of the year - Identify the bug

Discovery of slowness

Far from the urban life, away from the frantic...

Trout season opening

The first day of trout season, an appointment that this time ...

Winter dudes

With the mind free from having to focus on possible hatches or nymph techniques, in winter we can dust off our large streamer boxes and try to lure hungry predators


issue n.3
The black & the white - Muddy clear
Grey drake - By the large river in winter

Of Pike & Mice

When hunting for pike the water environment and its intrinsic characteristics acquire a special meaning for those who take care of reading them ...

Slovenia fly fishing country

Slovenia is a very popular country among fly anglers. Adrian & Aitor, resident fly fishing guides, emphasize the reasons of this repoutation

Pike time !

When hunting for pike the water environment and its intrinsic characteristics acquire a special meaning for those who take care of reading them ...


issue n.2
Wired on salmon - Of dun and spinner
Colored waters - Grayling in salmon rivers


issue n.2
Wired on salmon - Of dun and spinner
Colored waters - Grayling in salmon rivers


issue n.1
True stories - Colors of nature
Carpe diem - Black gnat


issue n.0
Black bass - Scraper nymphs
The chance of an island - Chalk-stream diary