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Fly fishing Reports

here you will find detailed reports of fishing trips in rivers, lakes and the sea, in European waters and featuring international waters

TAGS:       #flyfishing #Europe #world #reports

Fly fishing magazine

articles, stories and all what revolves around fly fishing. In this section you find single articles and collections of short articles bundled in icons named Magazines

TAGS:       #article #magazine #freshwater #saltwater

The insect of fly fishing

Are you tying your flies based only on other artificial flies? Are you looking to extend your entomologist horizon? In time to have a real insect as reference model will make a huge difference. The largest online photographic database of European insects for fly fishing can be found here. Flies are categorized according to the current taxonomy. This section also features a ongoing study on the benthos and water quality of headwaters in central Germany.

TAGS:       #flyfishing #entomology #macrophotography #european #insect #database

Fly box

The fly box is a collection of dressings and patterns, the section is divided into dry flies, wet and nymph flies, streamers and salmon flies. Some dressings are presented by illustrating the tying steps through a sequence of macro photographs, while others display the full tying process via a video. The purpose of the section is to provide a solid base of flies aimed to catch fish. The most of the flies were tested while fishing in the field and proved to be effective at different latitudes.

TAGS:       #flytying #dressings #dryflies #wetflies #nymphs #streamers #salmonflies


Fly angling is the most ecological way of fishing and to come close to the nature and water ecosystems. This section outlines the basic concepts of hydrobiology in relation to fly fishing.

TAGS:       #flyfishing #ecology   

European fora

A curated list of European fly fishing sites in their original languages.

TAGS:       #flyfishing #european #forum   

Youttube logo & link


Fly fishing is the most sustainable and ecological angling method. Fish can be released unharmed. Barbless hooks can be employed. Fly anglers ethics recognize the use of nature, but not the abuse, promoting a sustainable population of wild fish in a balanced ecosystem.


With dry flies, with nymphs or hunting large predators. In inland waters, saltwater, on the mountains. In anthropized areas or in the most remote corners of the planet. Fly fishing combined with nature observation provide today's anglers a skillset that can help pursuing almost any type of fish.


Fly fishing is not just an attractive option for a riverside stroll. Fly fishing is participation with nature. It breaks the concept of separation between humans and nature typical of the modern times. Fly fishing implicit observations provide a perspective of being part of a whole ecosystem where water quality is key and the small like the big creatures are as important for a balanced and healthy environment.


Don't lose your chance to be heard. Want to share an experience, a story, a report, to express an opinion or a suggestion or just want to go fishing? All messages will be read, mind that it won't be possible to reply to all of them  email E.f.a.



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