Ephemera On Line

Mayflies, sedges and stoneflies are key indicators of the quality of our streams.


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Ecosystems integrity: Macroinvertebrates are a key part in the chain of life and they play a crucial role in the overall balance of water ecosystems. The presence (or absence) of Ephemeroptera, Tricophtera and Plecoptera in our water bodies reflects the health of our streams.

Headwaters protection: the small streams and brooks retain and carry sediment and nutrients; they provide habitat for numerous aquatic and riparian organisms and function as biodiversity reservoirs. Safeguarding these environments has a critical influence on downstream rivers and water systems.

Sustainability: The sampling method aims to achieve maximum sustainability and the lowest impact on the environment. The Bugs are collected and photographed by the water, to be released alive and kicking right after. The process is repeated within a ten-meter radius of the reported coordinates.

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